


Romantic At-Home Valentine’s Day Ideas

When you’re planning on staying in for Valentine’s Day, getting creative is key. Sure, youcan你可以在情人座上放松一下,看一部两个人的浪漫电影,但你的情人节不应该像其他晚上一样在娱乐中心前度过。它应该是特别的,独特的,令人难忘的。这里有一些有趣的想法让你开始。

Breakfast in Bed

还有什么比一觉醒来就看到一顿丰盛的早餐更棒的事吗?我们不这样认为!当你和你的另一半在床上享用美味的早餐开始新的一天的时候,你就可以在家过一个难忘的情人节了!用煎饼、华夫饼(如果你把它们做成心形的话会有额外的奖励)、鸡蛋、培根——所有的9种食物来开启你的早晨。Arrange your morning feast on a cuteserving trayand share a few quiet moments with your sweetheart before the day begins.

Pamper Yourselves with a Spa Night

如果今年不可能在你最喜欢的水疗中心为情侣做一个放松的按摩,为什么不在情人节把水疗带回家呢?在浴缸旁放上摇曳的蜡烛、香槟酒、音乐和颓废的巧克力,给你的浴室一个浪漫的氛围。Then, whip up someDIY Valentine’s Day bath bombs, indulge in a long, soothing bubble bath, and take turns giving each other relaxing massages.

Get Cozy with a Backyard Fireside Picnic for Two

Sure, it’s still chilly outdoors in February, but you won’t catch a chill when you’re bundled up with your love in cozy lounge chairs beside anoutdoor fire pit. Break out a bottle of good wine, cozy up with a few blankets, toast some marshmallows, and just enjoy each other’s company.

Transform Your Living Room into a Ballroom

When was the last time you and your partner danced the night away? Create a playlist of you and your sweetheart’s favorite songs, light some candles to set the mood, slide your living room furniture aside to create a dance floor, and turn the lights down low to create a romantic vibe.

With your space set up, it’s time to get down! If you want to learn something new with your sweetheart, check out step-by-step YouTube dance videos and spend the evening learning a romantic partner dance like the tango, foxtrot, or rhumba.

Cook a Special Valentine’s Dinner at Home


What should you make? While your tried-and-true favorite dishes are always a safe bet, why not get creative and prepare something unique? Consider signing up for a virtual cooking class with your sweetheart to learn something new or try out one of the following ideas.

Fondue for Two

Nothing says romance quite like chocolate-dipped strawberries, but they’re not exactly a meal all by themselves. So break out the fondue pot, prepare an array of fruits and sweets, and whip up some chocolate fondue! If you’re more of a savory type, go for cheese fondue with bread and veggie dippers, followed by a bouillon base with your favorite veggies and meats for dipping. Or, if you like a little salty and sweet to balance things out, do it all!

Homemade Pizza

Preparing and sharing a homemade pie is one of the most romantic (and tastiest) things you can do with someone. Most supermarkets carry pre-made pizza dough that will seriously cut down your prep time, but if you want to make dough from scratch, all the more power to you (again, bonus if you make it heart-shaped!).

To ensure your pizza comes out properly cooked, consider investing in a pizza stone to get that perfect, crispy, golden crust every time.

Share Charcuterie

Want something a little on the lighter side? Maybe something that pairs perfectly with your romantic Valentine’s Day vino? Charcuterie it is. Wine and cheese are practically V-Day requirements, but tossing in extra goodies such as Chocolate never hurts. If you need some charcuterie inspiration, check out Pinterest for hundreds of excellent ideas.

Set the Mood with Valentine’s Day Decorations


选择深色调的酒红色、栗色和桑格利亚汽酒来营造奢华、超级浪漫的氛围。如果想要更轻盈、更轻佻的感觉,可以选择明亮柔和的粉色和白色相间。需要的想法吗?We have a few:

Little Love Notes

Want to make your sweetheart feel extra special? Grab some red and pink sticky notes, write your partner a bunch of little love notes, and stick them all over the house! Sometimes, it’s the little things that mean the most. Of course, the perfectValentine’s Day giftis meaningful, too! If you’re not super great at getting your feelings out on paper, look to great poets, playwrights, and authors for inspiration.

Flowers Galore

Nothing says romance quite like red and pink blooms. Plus, freshspring flowerscan elevate any room’s decor while serving as a symbol of affection for your sweetheart.

Choose arrangements with roses, tulips, peonies, carnations, and other symbolic flowers for a Valentine’s Day gift that doubles as decor. Bonus if you arrange them into a gorgeous centerpiece for your dining table or have your florist create heart-shaped floral wreaths!

Create Ambiance With Lighting

Transform your dining area into a romantic, VIP table for two with classycandle holdersand candles that emanate a soft, inviting glow. You really can’t go wrong with candlelight when you’re trying to create a romantic vibe, so if you’re not keen on real candles, opt for the flameless variety instead.


For more Valentine’s Day decor inspo, check out ourPinterest board!

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to include a fancy dinner out to be special. This holiday isn’t about how much you spend, it’s about how you uniquely spend time with the one you love! There are plenty of romantic ideas for Valentine’s Day at home, so get creative and see what you come up with! We’d love for you to share your at-home Valentine’s Day ideas with us onInstagram—and when you do—use #MyAshleyHome for a chance to be featured on our feed!