Hello readers! We are bringing you another installment of our series “At Home with Ashley”, where we invite you into the homes of Ashley HomeStore team members. For this edition, we are going behind the scenes of XO Ashley to introduce you to the blogger and copy writer behind the posts; me, Mackenzie Duffy!

After being on the Ashley HomeStore Social Media Team for a year, I felt that it was about time to write a “Meet the Author” post and allow you to get to know the curator of XO Ashley. So, allow me to *virtually* open my front door and show you around!

Q&A with Mackenzie

你是如何进入Ashley HomeStore博客的?

I’ve been writing since I could hold a pen, even when I didn’t know how to write my ABC’s. I knew I wanted to turn that into a career, so when I became a Social Media Intern at Ashley HomeStore, I expressed my interest in writing and my desire to take on the blog. I proved to my manager that I was determined to manage the platform and had the writing ability to support my drive.

What’s something you’ve learned since working for Ashley?

I’ve learned how to be confident in my ideas and my intelligence. On a daily basis, I am bringing my ideas to life in pitch meetings, team conference calls and in my blog writing. When you have faith and passion in your ideas, others will listen to them.

What’s your personal favorite blog (that you’ve written)?

I really love the new series that I have started, “世界杯预选赛积分表2022”。这是将我们的观众介绍给Ashley团队成员并获得行业洞察力的好方法。我也喜欢从个人的角度去了解我的同事,而安德里亚就是最好的第一个面试者。我们最近的一次系列活动是和我的老板Meagan Miller的一次谈话!

Current book that you’re reading?


How would you describe your personal interior design style?

I definitely like showcasing my personality in my space, so I love a little bit of everything. I grew up with an appreciation of mid-century modern style, so I have a lot of pieces with that kind of structure and unique, artistic value. But I also dress my apartment up with bohemian touches to make it quirky.

Favorite piece of decor in your apartment?

Although it’s not technically decor, I have a mirror and hair brush set that my grandma gave to me. Even though she moved around a lot, she had saved it from her childhood, so I keep that on display on my bookshelf. It’s just so beautifully made and reminds me of her.

How did you find your personal design style?

我的很多室内设计风格都来自我的父母,尤其是我的父亲。他喜欢上世纪50年代的建筑奇迹,比如弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特(Frank Lloyd Wright)的《瀑布》(Falling Water),以至于他在我父母家展出了一个复制品。我生长在一个喜欢在旧货店和古董店寻找中世纪古董的家庭。所以这绝对影响了我的室内设计风格。

What do you do when you’re not working?

Since I work in social media, I try my best to stay away from screens during my days off. I grew up 20 minutes away from the beach in Miami, so I love being outside and enjoying the sunshine. I usually take a book and a notepad to my local park or the pool of my apartment building to relax.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

Before I became the resident blogger at Ashley HomeStore, I actually dreamed of becoming a newspaper reporter! I signed up for Journalism class in high school because I had a desire to tell the stories of my peers and let that evolve into a career. I’m still a writer, but my muse has certainly changed over time.



室内设计是一个很好的方式来展示我的独特个性,并把我的古怪的天性带入我的空间。从每一种我命名并带回家的植物,到代代相传的装饰品,每一件东西都有一个故事。我很高兴我有机会在我的虚拟家里招待XO Ashley的读者,并向你们介绍我自己!世界杯比利时vs摩洛哥波胆预测如果你对阿什利这样的大品牌的博主有任何问题,请在下方留言。

Fill out the “This or That” below and share your results in the comments! Share how you express your personal style through interior design by tagging us onInstagramusing #MyAshleyHome. You might even see your space on our feed! If you are looking for more inspiration, find all your home decor goals on ourPinterestboards.