At Ashley HomeStore, we value the positive impact made by giving back to the community. Through programs like Hope to Dream, we strive to become members of each community you find a store HomeStore in. Recently, members of the Ashley family chose to help their area by delivering mattresses to local fire stations in Lansing and Flint, Michigan.

This donation is a natural extension of Ashley HomeStore’s Hope to Dream program, where under-served children are given brand new beds to ensure they have the opportunity of a better night’s sleep.

After recognizing the strained budget of most fire stations and all the work they put in to maintaining our communities, Michigan-area members of the Ashley family knew they had to help.

密歇根运营总经理Max Awad说:“他们有我们的支持,所以现在是我们打败他们的时候了。”“这些日常生活中的英雄为我们的社区服务,他们常常不得不睡在早已过了巅峰期的床垫上。我们都知道睡眠的重要性,我希望消防员在我需要休息的时候出现在我家!”

The donation of 100 mattresses and box-frames was distributed and delivered to six fire stations in the area. The donation was made possible with partnerships with Bedgear and Granger Waste Services. Our partners donated bedding materials and mattress removal services so the firefighters could focus on what was most important: getting a good night’s rest.

Ashley HomeStore is dedicated to bettering the community at large, one step at a time. Through our philosophy of “This is Home,” we want to bring a sense of home to everyone. VisitHope to Dream’s website了解更多关于该项目,或提名一个孩子在您的家庭,学校或社区。