Spring is all about things that are fresh, bright, and new. It’s when you open the windows and drapes to let the fresh, warm air and bright sunshine into your home to get rid of winter’s chill. It’s also a popular time forspring cleaningthe house to clear away remnants of winter slush—and to get rid of some dust, too.

Ready to brighten up your living space after a long, chilly season? Even if you love winter, the fresh air and vibrant spring colors can feel like welcome guests. Choose one—or several—of these minimalist decor ideas to brighten your home and usher in the season.

What is Minimalist Decor?

So, what is the minimalist decorating style? It’s getting rid of the clutter and excess that block energy flow in a room while keeping inspiring pieces to create positive energy. Instead, you can say goodbye to rooms filled with bold colors and intense patterns and instead choose hues that create a more peaceful aura. Minimalist decor incorporates mostly white or neutral colors while also adding accessories for touches of color. Wall art is typically a single piece that’s visually appealing and interesting. As a result, you get to enjoy a pristine, peaceful aura with neutral tones and a few pops of color that draw the eye and enhance the welcoming feeling.

How to Brighten Your Home This Spring

With minimalism, you’re in control. You can go with just a few minimalist changes or completely change over to embrace the theme. While the “less is more” theme kicks clutter to the curb, you don’t have to get rid of everything. Keep the pieces you love and make them focal points in your home. You’ll most likely find you enjoy them more because there’s less distraction. White and light neutral tones are the foundational colors with minimalism. So, light naturally filters into rooms through lightweight white or beige curtains, and an addition like a bouquet of colorfulspring flowers或者是人造植物,深绿色的叶子在房间的柔和色调中显得格外突出。

Create an Effortless Look With Neutral Tones

Neutral home decor is a great place to start decorating with minimalist style – after you’ve cleared away the clutter. But, just what are neutral home colors? In general, neutral colors for the home include beige, black, gray, ivory, taupe, and white. Use the neutral tones as the base for your decor while keeping the pops of color limited to a few treasured pieces. For example:

  • Apply a fresh coat of off-white paint or textured off-white wallpaper to the walls
  • Spread a plush, taupespring rugover your neutral-toned flooring in front of a taupe sofa and accent tables
  • Add a black accent lamp or black-and-white photos showcased in a black frame, which can also work to energize the space

White Home Decor

So far, we’ve mostly covered applying minimalism to the living room, but white and natural wood decor can be used to decorate any room in your home. The kitchen, dining room, bedrooms, bathrooms—there are no limits to where you can apply this decorating theme. Some ways to apply this decorating style to your home include:

  • Doing the walls in white paint or wallpaper in any room of your home
  • Adding texture with a white rug,white accent tables, and white curtains or drapes in any room
  • Sticking with white or neutral for upholstered furniture
  • Going with white or light natural-wood cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom
  • Adding a pop of color with accessories, like a bowl of fruit, a vase filled with flowers, spring throw pillows, wall art, or a set of pretty kitchen towels

Neutral Home Decor

Coming back to neutral home design, if you’re wondering how you can make your house look minimalist with pieces you already own, you have many options. For example, if your furniture has dark wood and is upholstered with dark fabric – and you love it – you don’t need to replace it with one that’s white or beige. Your home should reflect your taste and be a place to showcase the things you love. You can just make a few other changes to the room to introduce more neutrals. Additionally, you could add minimalist accessories, such as textured white or taupe throw pillows and a chunky white throw blanket to your sofa or bed.

Minimalist Lighting Ideas

Light sources can also play a vital role in this decorating theme. Choose table lamps anddesk lampswith simple lines. One option is to choose a lamp as a statement piece. Details like a unique shape and dark base make a lamp stand out in contrast to the light colors used for the rest of the decor. If your desk or accent tables are a darker color, you could choose a lamp with a white or metallic base and globe. Additionally, you could consider a lamp with a uniquely shaped globe or one that’s a vibrant color.

Minimalist Accessories


At Ashley, we understand your home is as unique as you are. So we carry an abundance of minimalist home-decor items you can choose if you’re ready to incorporate this beautiful decorating style into your living space. Browse through our selection of items like whitespring blankets and throws—and our other minimalist decor items—to get exactly the look you want in your home.