Although it’s been a few years since we hosted a tea party with our stuffed animals, we think we are due for a night of playing dress up. We are all spending more time at home these days, and sometimes it’s invigorating to change out of our comfy clothes. Or maybe you’ve run out of sweatpants and are forced to put on normal clothes for an evening of laundry. It’s ok, we’ve been there, too. Get your quarantine companions together and make an occasion just because you deserve it.

Host a dinner party for you and your social distancing pals! If you are self-isolating, coordinate with your far away family and friends to have a virtual fancy dinner. We’ve selected a few potential themes for your at-home gala and some necessities for creating the perfect space.

Pick the Theme

Before becoming the belle of the ball, you and your fellow guests should pick a theme for the soiree. Here are some of our favorites:

  • 古装作品:选择一个能让你回到过去的主题!穿着受到文艺复兴或朋克摇滚兴起等时代启发的服装。你也可以鼓励你的家人按照年代打扮,比如上世纪70年代。
  • 黑色领结活动:简单的背部领结可以让你的着装保持优雅。你可以以此为借口穿上你的舞会礼服或燕尾服。社交媒体上的一些跟风者甚至重新穿上了婚纱。
  • Pop Culture Participation: Want to dress like you are on the set of your favorite movie or television show? Achieve a look inspired by a beloved character or celebrity doppelganger and see how close you can make your style.
  • 跟随领导:通过举办一个晚宴来测试你对保持社交距离的同伴的了解程度,你们可以装扮成彼此的样子,或者选择一个人模仿对方的样子。把每个人的名字放到一个碗里,你选择的名字就是你在晚宴上的形象。

If you have tried this at home, share your favorite themes in the comments below! We’d love to know how you have been spending your time during social distancing.

Set the Table



Find an Activity

The food has been enjoyed, the dishes have been put away, now it’s time for a fun activity. (Note: the dishes are optional. Worry about those tomorrow.) End the evening by watching the film or TV show your event was inspired by, or have a game night! You can select a classic board or card game, but we suggest getting a little creative. Try a family-themed version of charades or pictionary!


  1. Center the game around your quarantine partners and their fun facts, hobbies or interests.
  2. Write their names and facts on small sheets of paper, and place them in a bowl or cup.
  3. At each turn, the player acting out the character or fact will select one randomly.
  4. Set a timer!
  5. Begin, let’s see how well you all know each other.
  6. And don’t forget, no talking!

Navigating this time is a new challenge, but it’s important to find comfort in our homes. These at-home events and dress up nights are a way for us to reconnect with those we are spending time with and those who might be far away. Even after this season, we encourage you to pursue an amazing space and to invite new traditions into your home.
