The season of gratitude is upon us, and we’re excited to bring warmth and love into all our spaces. As the aroma of turkey fills the air and family members gather around the table, you’ll look around and feel the true magic of the season.

As that big day approaches, deciding on your Thanksgiving home decor will be a task that’s larger than just prepping the meal. Whether you like to get things done yourself or you’re ready to delegate Thanksgiving responsibilities, getting your home ready will bring an extra dose of happiness with every item you display.

If you’re looking for the best Thanksgiving decor ideas, we’ve got you covered. Ashley HomeStore has Thanksgiving decoration tips to help you create a bounty of beautiful Thanksgiving memories.

Thanksgiving Decoration Ideas

在晚餐放入烤箱和客人到来的倒计时开始之前,你会想要充分展示你的节日气氛。Adding the perfect amount ofThanksgiving decorationwill give your home holiday cheer as you celebrate with loved ones. How do you get your home ready for Turkey Day? Just follow these simple steps to elevate your Thanksgiving Day experience.

Choose a color palette

Decide on your Thanksgiving home decor color palette to streamline the decorating process. This will create a unified look throughout your home and make a great base to pair with patterns. Your color theme can encompass everything from your Thanksgiving door decor to your indoor home decor. As a rule of thumb, solid colors should be common pairs or colors that complement each other. For example, pair mustard tones with burnt oranges and deep plums with rich blues and greens.

Start outside.

Outdoor Thanksgiving decorationsset the mood for this all-you-can-eat day. Start by placing lanterns along the steps of your porch, adding a wreath to your door, and creating a pumpkin arrangement of varying sizes and colors. Next, add a stylish rustic touch with flower arrangements in a tin or metallic vase. You can even paint your vases to add a splash of DIY color to your Thanksgiving home decor

Show off your indoor decor skills.

Make your Thanksgiving epic by creating a beautiful fireplace mantel display. The mantel is the traditional focal point of any room throughout the holiday season. Add traditional Thanksgiving decorations such as pumpkins and floral arrangements to capture the essence of the holiday. Finish it off with a blanket ladder, a basket to store extra throw pillows or blankets, and your favorite fall-scented candle.



Finally, go all out at the table.

As you get ready to gather around the table for the best meal of the year,Thanksgiving table decorbecomes a huge priority. Create an inviting table with an eye-catching centerpiece featuring a bright pumpkin, colorful fall flowers, and warm votive candles.

Make a DIY Thanksgiving Wreath

Break out all your plaid, striped, or pumpkin-patterned decor and get ready to create a stunning DIY wreath! When making a Thanksgiving door wreath, keep the solid colors as the base of your wreath and add in a few plaid and striped bows. Layer in different textures as well. Burlap is always a great choice to add a touch of rustic flair to your wreath, and don’t forget flowers for a bold pop of color. When blending patterns, you’ll want to focus on maintaining a unified color palette for maximum visual appeal.

Ready to dive in and create your own Thanksgiving door wreath? Let’s get crafting!

materials you’ll need:
half faux pumpkin
grapevine wreath with a basket
floral embellishments


1|slip the half pumpkin into your basket on the grapevine wreath
2|wrap fall garland or create bows with plaid and striped ribbon to glue onto the wreath
3|add fall leaves cut out of burlap to the basket
4|finish it off with flowers for a bold pop of color and fill in any remaining gaps

Unify your Thanksgiving aesthetic

为了统一你的家的节日外观,在你的家周围添加类似风格的物品。在你的空间中点缀你选择的图案和颜色会让你的装饰感觉很有目的性。带着你的创造力和对所有事物的爱,让它与你的感恩节家居装饰一起闪耀。You’ll love looking around and feeling a sense of pride for the beautiful space you’ve created.

If the inspiration just doesn’t flow, don’t be afraid to take a step back and come back later. With the right pieces, your Thanksgiving Day will be everything you’ve dreamed of for the past year!

Whether you show up for the food, the conversation, or just to enjoy the simple family moments, Thanksgiving moments bring so much joy into our lives.
