Time flies when you’re a parent! It’s so exciting watching your little one transition from a newborn to a crawler, and then to a tot and little walker. Making the switch from a nursery to a toddler room might seem intimidating at first, but Ashley HomeStore is here with all the fun and functional pieces you need to create the perfect toddler space.

The Best Beds for Toddlers

Now that your kiddo is a bit older, their personality is in full bloom! You’re probably starting to see your toddler’s likes and dislikes, and they will love to infuse their new room with their unique personality. You can choosetoddler room decor铺上新地毯,为他们的新空间挑选有趣的玩具。只要放松和兴奋的时间寻找和装备他们的新幼童室。当然,任何一间卧室最重要的部分都是床。你会想要一些安全舒适的东西,比如传统的婴儿床或婴儿床。Two types of beds that can be used in their rooms are:

  • transitional cribsto save the trouble of having to find a new piece for your toddler’s new room, purchase a transitional crib for your baby. Thesecribscan be converted into a full toddler bed when your child is ready.
  • toddler bedsoften referred to as “The Big Kid Bed,” toddler beds are low to the ground so your little one can easily climb in and out. Toddler beds often have guardrails to keep kids from rolling off the bed during the night, offering you peace of mind. TheBaby Relax Sleigh Toddler Bedis one example of a great toddler bed. It features a beautiful solid wood construction, making it as fashionable as it is functional.

Once you have yourtoddler’s bedpicked out, have some fun picking out cute decor! Adding framed art to the walls or a bed canopy to your little one’s bed brings glam and color into their room. Pick out adorable decor like a unicorn lamp, rainbow wall clock, sports-themed shelving, and throw pillows. You can never go wrong creating a cozy and playful environment your toddler will love.

Types of Toddler Seating

Your toddler has a big personality and probably wants to have their very own seat in the house. Letting your child have a say in the type of chair they want for their room helps them develop their growing personality and independence. And you will just love seeing their faces light up with happiness when sitting in their new special seat. Here’s a few fabulous options fortoddler seatingif you’re looking for a new seat for your child’s bedroom (BONUS: they will also look great in a playroom or grown-up living room!)

  • Plush Chairs-毛绒椅子为你的孩子创造了一个舒适的地方来读书,看卡通片,并有一点屏幕时间。TheDelta Children Snuggle Foam Filled Chaircreates a perfectly comfortable seating spot that’s better than a traditional bean bag chair. It offers support, comfort, and is so lightweight that you can take it anywhere your little one goes.
  • Upholstered– mom and dad get the ultimate seating, so why not let your toddler enjoy full relaxation with grown-up style? TheDelta Children Chelsea Kids Upholstered Chairis a chic addition to any child’s bedroom, playroom or the living room.
  • Themed Chairs– your little one will go crazy for a chair with their favorite cartoon character on it. Whether they’re a fan of Mickey Mouse or your little one justLOVESunicorns, we’ll help you find a comfy and whimsical chair.

Storage Solutions for Toddler Rooms

Cleaning a toddler room can become a playtime of its own. Organization is a great way to implement a clean-up routine as well as bond with your talkative toddler. If you’re looking for products to help you organize, here’s a list that’ll quickly become staples in your toddler’s room:

  • closet systems– closet systems work for organizing both clothes and toys. If the playroom and bedroom are in the same space, organizing toys in their toddler room will become part of a daily routine. TheLittle Seeds Grow with Me Adjustable Kids Closet Organizer Systemgrows with your child as they get older. It features a mix of hanging rods, drawers, and cubbies that are perfect for organizing all the toys and clothes your toddler owns.
  • storage benchstorage benches是理想的孩子的房间,因为他们可以作为一个座位区,你可以监督你的孩子和一个地方藏东西。这是一个存放书籍和玩具的好地方在一个蹒跚学步的房间,保持您的孩子的房间有条理,同时减少清理时间。A versatile bench that can fit perfectly into your kiddo’s space is theDelta Mysize Kids Activity Bench. Its 3-in-1 design converts easily from a bench with storage to a desk. It’s a great option for playtime, crafts, and homework.
  • bookcases-书架对于整理是必不可少的,因为它们可以帮助你把孩子的房间里的物品分类,让整理变得更容易,让孩子玩耍的时间更长。添加箱子或篮子来帮助整理鞋子、内衣、袜子或其他你想让你的孩子够得到的东西。如果他们把玩具放在房间里,书柜也可以用来帮助整理玩具。德尔塔儿童Serta快乐家庭存储书柜是一个优秀的儿童大小的选择。这是一种存放游戏时间必需品的梦幻方式,它用尖桩栅栏和屋顶线条为房间增添了个性。你甚至会发现自己希望这些书架是成人尺寸的!
  • wall shelveswall shelvesmake it easy for you to store items and keep things out of reach of little hands. If a family member gifts a toy your child is too young to play with, it can be stored on a shelf away until they’re ready. You can also add bins to your shelves and organize everything by category or item type. This way, if you’re looking for a specific item you know exactly where to look.The Trend Lab Cloud Wall Shelfis a beautiful wall shelf option, and it also gives the room a little extra dimension.

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